
Languages: Ngā Reo

He taonga ngā reo katoa - All Languages are to be treasured

As our world becomes more interconnected, the benefits of learning new languages are skyrocketing. Delving into learning languages is about unlocking the power to connect and communicate with people from diverse cultures. This essential life skill enriches our personal and professional lives, fostering deeper relationships and opening doors to countless opportunities.

Language studies grows your brain
Research shows that learning a new language boosts cognitive abilities. Bilinguals enjoy enhanced brain development, sharper memories, greater creativity, and superior problem-solving skills. These benefits not only facilitate learning additional languages but also improve overall learning capabilities.

Language study helps to improve literacy and understanding of your own language and culture
Studying a second language alone will significantly improve the grammar, reading, vocabulary, and speaking skills of your first language.

Learning another language opens up a world of job opportunities
It’s no secret that learning a language can improve your employment prospects. More companies than ever are doing business in multiple countries around the world, but they can’t do it without hiring people who have a grasp of at least one other language. Even locally there is an increasing need to employ multi-lingual speakers.

Studying another language makes you more open-minded
Learning another language and immersing in an entirely new culture is the surest way to become an open-minded, understanding, tolerant individual, and that is absolutely priceless. Seeing the world from a different perspective, and understanding where you and others come from, is a fantastic, eye-opening experience.

Year 9 & 10 Courses

  • Courses ending in "1" (e.g., 5FRE1) are tailored for students with little to no experience in the language. 
  • Courses ending in "2" and "3" (e.g., 5MAO2 or 5MAO3) cater to students with prior knowledge or exposure to the language.
  • These context-based courses allow students to choose their order of study. For those planning to pursue languages in Year 11 and beyond, it is recommended to have studied the language for at least two semesters in junior school. 

Languages in the New Zealand Curriculum
Languages are essential to a rich and diverse education. They connect us to the past and open doors to new perspectives, beliefs, and cultural practices through oral, written, and visual forms. Students learning languages develop the ability to relate and connect with others, appreciate cultural and linguistic diversity, and foster self-respect and respect for others. Studying languages enhances literacy, hones communication skills, and prepares students to thrive in a multicultural society and an increasingly interconnected world.

Junior Languages Requirement
It is encouraged that junior students complete a minimum of two languages courses in the same language.

A student may gain entrance into a course of a different language if they wish to study an additional language as well as at least two semesters of one language;  they enroll in the 5AOT course as one of their two language courses, or they have permission from the HoLA of Languages to complete their second language course in a different language.

2025 Course Options

Optional courses will only run subject to a minimum number of students selecting the option.
Course Options in BOLD are compulsory.
Courses in italics are not available for selection. Students will be counselled into these courses.

Languages Ngā Reo

5FRE1 – Exploring French
5FRE2 – Strengthening French
5FRE3 – Advancing French

6FRE – French7FRE – French8FRE – French
5JPN1 – Exploring Japanese
5JPN2 – Strengthening Japanese
5JPN3 – Advancing Japanese
6JPN - Japanese
7JPN - Japanese8JPN - Japanese

5AOT – Aotearoa: Māori Culture, Geography, History and Language
5MAO1 – Exploring Te Reo Māori
5MAO2 – Strengthening Te Reo Māori
5MAO3 - Advancing Te Reo Māori 

5MPA1 –  Exploring Te Ao Haka 
5MPA2 –  Strengthening Te Ao Haka

6MAO – Te Reo Māori
6MPA -  Te Ao Haka
7MAO – Te Reo Māori
8MAO – Te Reo Māori
5SPA1 – Exploring Spanish
5SPA2 – Strengthening Spanish
5SPA3 – Advancing Spanish 
6SPA – Spanish7SPA - Spanish

8SPA - Spanish

5ESL1 & 5ESL2 – English for Speakers of Other Languages
6ESL – English for Speakers of Other Languages 7ESL – English for Speakers of Other Languages 8ESL – English for Speakers of Other Languages 

Course options in this Learning Area

Information Only Course options in this Learning Area

Course Option  
7ESL – ELLP (NCEA L2 to L4) View
Year 09/10 5AOT – Aotearoa: Māori Culture, Geography, History and Language View
Year 09/10 5FRE1 – Exploring French View
Year 09/10 5FRE2 – Strengthening French View
Year 09/10 5FRE3 – Advancing French View
Year 09/10 5JPN1 – Exploring Japanese View
Year 09/10 5JPN2 – Strengthening Japanese View
Year 09/10 5JPN3 – Advancing Japanese View
Year 09/10 5MAO1 – Exploring Te Reo Māori View
Year 09/10 5MAO2 – Strengthening Te Reo Māori View
Year 09/10 5MAO3 – Advancing Te Reo Māori View
Year 09/10 5SPA1 – Discovering Spanish View
Year 09/10 5SPA2 – Strengthening Spanish View
Year 09/10 5SPA3 – Advancing Spanish View
Year 11 6FRE – French (NCEA L1) View
Year 11 6JPN – Japanese (NCEA L1) View
Year 11 6MAO – Te Reo Māori (NCEA L1) View
Year 11 6SPA – Spanish (NCEA L1) View
Year 12 7FRE – French (NCEA L2) View
Year 12 7JPN – Japanese (NCEA L2) View
Year 12 7MAO – Te Reo Māori (NCEA L2) View
Year 12 7SPA - Spanish (NCEA L2) View
Year 13 8ESL – ELLP (NCEA L3) View
Year 13 8FRE – French (NCEA L3) View
Year 13 8JPN – Japanese (NCEA L3) View
Year 13 8MAO – Te Reo Māori (NCEA L3) View
Year 13 8SPA - Spanish (NCEA L3) View
Year 09/10 5MPA1 – Exploring Te Ao Haka - Māori Performing Arts View
Year 09/10 5MPA2 – Exploring Te Ao Haka - Māori Performing Arts View
Year 11 6MPA - Te Ao Haka, Māori Performing Arts (NCEA L1) View
5ESL1 – English for Speakers of Other Languages - Information Only View
5ESL2 – English for Speakers of Other Languages - Information Only View
6ESL – ELLP (NCEA L1 & L2) - Information Only View