Year 12 7MAO – Te Reo Māori (NCEA L2)

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mr G. Charton.

Why this course: 
There are numerous reasons to learn Māori from personal enjoyment to career requirements. Whatever it may be, learning Māori will not only provide great satisfaction, but a greater connection with New Zealand and an enhanced understanding of our culture and society.

Course information:
By the end of Level 6 of the curriculum, students can converse with Te Reo Māori language speakers in familiar social situations and cope with some less familiar ones. They can use basic Māori language patterns spontaneously. They show a willingness to experiment with new language and to read independently. They can write short passages, personal letters, and simple formal letters in Te Reo Māori. Students are increasingly confident in using a range of strategies for learning Te Reo Māori and for communicating with others in predominantly Māori social contexts.

Within the new NZ Curriculum, it is recommended that NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Māori students should be at level 5 and 6 ‘Te Puawaitanga’ – achieving social competence of Te Reo Māori of the NZ Curriculum guidelines for learning Te Reo Māori in English medium schools – Te Aho Arataki Marau mo te ako i Te Reo Māori. 

The NCEA Te Reo Māori assessments evaluate five skills: ‘Whakarongo’ listening, ‘Kōrero’ speech, ‘Pānui’ reading comprehension, ‘Tuhituhi’ writing and ‘Waihanga tuhi’ crafted writing


  • Opportunity to partake in the Ngā Manu Kōrero

This course leads to:    
Level 3 Māori (8MAO).


Students should have gained at least 10 credits at Level 1 Te Reo Māori (6MAO). If prerequisites are not met, entry may be granted at the discretion of the HoLA.

Assessment Information

This course is assessed using Achievement and/or Unit Standards. Please note exact standards are subject to change and individual assessment programmes may be provided in consultation with student and teacher.