Year 12 7SPA - Spanish (NCEA L2)
Course Option Description
Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mr G. Charton.
Why this course:
This course prepares students to gain personal independence in languages. Students will extend their Spanish speaking skills to be able to relate well to a wide variety of Spanish speaking cultures and to prepare them for the international workforce. Skills developed by completing this course are problem solving, analytic skills, flexibility of mind, confidence and clarity in oral communication and a greater level of fluency in Spanish.
Course information:
This course will extend students’ comprehension and production of the Spanish language and culture to Level 7 of the NZ Curriculum. Students will be discussing and building the cultural competencies required to interact and operate in the Spanish speaking world. Students will develop their interpersonal skills and ability to explore other worldviews and cultures.
At Level 7, students of Spanish will learn how to:
- interpret selected and adapted media (newspapers, magazines, television, video, radio, and popular music);
- give and ask reasons for or against an idea or activity (critical thinking);
- develop the communication skills required to interact with native Spanish speakers about a range of more complex ideas and topics.
Topics include: personal relationships, socio-economic concerns in the Spanish-speaking world, media and film study, health, music and an introduction to Spanish history and literature.
This course leads to:
Level 3 Spanish (8SPA)
Students should have gained at least 10 credits at Level 1 Spanish (6SPA). If prerequisites are not met, entry may be granted at the discretion of the HoLA.
Level 3 Spanish, which may be available through correspondence depending on student numbers.
Assessment Information
This course is assessed using Achievement and/or Unit Standards. Please note exact standards are subject to change and individual assessment programmes may be provided in consultation with student and teacher.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Spanish 2.1 - Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on familiar matters
Spanish 2.3 - Interact using spoken Spanish to share information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations
Spanish 2.2 - Give a spoken presentation in Spanish that communicates information, ideas and opinions
Spanish 2.4 - Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and/or visual Spanish text(s) on familiar matters
Spanish 2.5 - Write a variety of text types in Spanish to convey information, ideas, and opinions in genuine contexts