Year 11 6JPN – Japanese (NCEA L1)

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mr G. Charton.

Why this course:    
Students will find this course very helpful if they are planning on travelling to Japan, and participating in exchange opportunities, meeting Japanese speakers, dealing with Japanese businesses and discovering the Japanese culture.

Course information: 
Learning Japanese gives students the chance to communicate in a different language, and to gain an appreciation of a fascinating culture. Students develop their speaking and listening skills, as well as reading and using the unique writing systems, which can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. The aim of the course is to consolidate the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking so that students develop fluency in communication in Japanese. Students cover aspects of daily life such as family relationships, health, hobbies and sports. Other topics include my town, school life, shopping and travelling. Students will learn to read and write using hiragana, katakana, kanji characters. 

This course leads to:    
Level 2 and 3 Japanese (7JPN & 8JPN), which may be available through correspondence.

This course is assessed using:
Achievements Standards. 

Note: The running of this course will depend on sufficient number of students choosing this course. 


It is encouraged that students either:
- complete at least two semesters of Japanese in junior school,
- or have prior exposure to the language,
- or enroll at the discretion of the Head of Learning Area (HoLA).


Level 2 and 3 Japanese (7JAP & 8JAP), which may be available through correspondence.