Year 09/10 5MAO2 – Strengthening Te Reo Māori

Course Option Description

Te Mātapu o te Reo - The first shoot -

Main areas of study:    Māori - Languages - NZ Curriculum Level 2 to 4. 

This course will lead to a greater understanding of Te Reo Māori and culture, as part of Aotearoa’s cultural heritage. Students will further their skills and understanding in speaking, reading, writing and listening. Students will also learn about, and further develop their awareness of, the life and culture of Māori people. This Māori course presents the language, culture and way using authentic materials. Students complete a variety of learning activities in speaking, listening, reading and writing Māori but also through cultural project enhancing their global knowledge.

In this course you will learn:  

  • To communicate about:
    • Relationships between people and ownership.
    • Everyday language (in casual and formal situations).
    • Ordering food and socialising.
    • Offer, ask for, accept and decline things.
    • Describing and comparing food.
    • Quality and quantity and cost of things.
    • Shopping.
    • Talking about health and wellbeing.
    • Obligations and responsibilities.
    • Relationships between people and ownership.
  • Competency in communicating in basic Māori.
  • Knowledge of the Māori culture and similarities/differences with the NZ culture.
  • Literacy skills in your native language through a range of projects.
  • A new language to confidently communicate using Te Reo Māori in spoken and written form.

Opportunities outside the classroom:

  • explore culture through activities such as toi Māori, raranga/weaving, and mau rākau.
  • meet and connect with tāngata from our community
  • potential Waitangi trip and noh marae (overnight marae stay)

Online resources:
Interactive resources will also be used (i.e. Education Perfect to extend the learning beyond the classroom).

Methods of assessment:
Class evaluation (written and oral) and portfolios of conversations and writing pieces.

This course leads to:
5MAO3 and/or Level 1 Māori (6MAO).


This course is designed for students who have completed at least one semester of Māori at Wakatipu High School or at HoLA’s discretion.

Equipment and Stationery

Workbook (Māori To Go) and online resource (Education Perfect).