Year 11 6MPA - Te Ao Haka, Māori Performing Arts (NCEA L1)

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mr G. Charton.

Why this course: 
Te Ao Haka is a new and exciting performance-based subject. It provides opportunities for students to engage in Māori culture, language, and traditional practice. Students learn the whakapapa, history and language through the medium of haka and waiata. Students of Te Ao Haka develop a range of skills and dispositions that enable them to become life-long learners and equip them for future success. It gives students the opportunity to grow into proud, confident, disciplined, resilient, accountable, hard working, committed, humble leaders who are able to work collaboratively. They will improve their knowledge of performance, language, and Māori culture. Te Ao Haka provides students with opportunities both within and outside of the subject.

The acquisition of Te Ao Haka skills opens doors to diverse and exciting prospects, with viable career pathways in areas such as theatre, teaching, TV and film, the tourism industry, or government.  This subject not only imparts knowledge but also paves the way for further studies, enabling students to pursue their passions and interests at a higher level.

Course information: 
In this course, you will be working towards gaining Level 1 credits for NCEA. It will provide students with a deeper knowledge of te reo me ōna tikanga, meaning the language and its cultural practices and reflects the intrinsic link between the Māori language and culture. 

This comprehensive course cultivates effective communication skills across various performance-based contexts. Students engage in a multifaceted exploration of communication, focusing on listening and responding, speaking and presenting, interacting, viewing/reading, and writing.

 In Year 11 the language, vocabulary, structures and themes you studied in Year 9 and Year 10 are revised and extended.

Credit Information:  
Google Classroom will be used regularly as well as interactive resources such as Education Perfect to extend your learning.

Assessment Information:  
This course is assessed using Achievement and/or Unit Standards. Please note exact standards are subject to change and individual assessment programmes may be provided in consultation with student and teacher.

This course leads to:  
Level 2 Te Ao Haka - Māori Performing Arts (7MPA).


It is encouraged that students do at least one semester of Te Ao Haka - Māori Performing Arts in the junior school or at the HOLA’s discretion.