Selecting the Correct Course of Study
Successful students combine ability with interest and balance a well-defined employment/study direction with a course selection that keeps options open. We strongly encourage students to strive to achieve their Best Qualification Possible throughout their time at Wakatipu High School.
In selecting your Course Options and course of study, you need to consider and balance: your interests and passions, your strengths and what you’re good at, your potential future and pathway, and keeping your options open.
Try and ‘begin with the end in mind’ and work backwards, eg if you think you are likely to do a certain Course Option in the senior school then it is a good idea to do more than just the minimum number of Course Options in the junior school. For example if you are planning on doing Science in the senior school then you will likely want to choose an additional Science Course Option in the junior school.
Questions you should answer before choosing your courses | ||
How good are you at a subject? | What do you enjoy? | What are you planning to do when you leave school? |
Which subjects do you achieve well in? | Do you like the work? Does it match your personality type? | What subjects do you need to take? |
How does your teacher rate your ability? | What do you find interesting and of value? | How do you keep your options open? |
If you need help answering these questions, you can ask your:
- Parents/Caregivers
- Subject Teachers &/or HoLA
- Kaiārahi &/or Dean
- Careers Adviser
- Other member of staff (eg. SLT appointments are available)