Vocational Pathways are part of the Government’s Youth Guarantee scheme, which seeks to improve the transition from school to work by; providing a wide range of learning opportunities, making better use of the education network, and creating clear pathways from school to work and study.
The pathways identify a range of Achievement Standards and Unit Standards that prepare students for ongoing education and/or employment in the industry of their choice. There are six colour-coded Vocational Pathways, as shown in the graphic below. In each page detailing a senior course on offer at WHS, we have included a colour graphic at the end of each senior course page which indicates the distribution of learning across the vocational spectrum. This could support students in identifying the potential career pathways / industries students could seek after studying the course.
Students can also check their own NZQA profile (www.nzqa.govt.nz/login/) — this will show their progress towards achieving NCEA, with their own personal vocational pathways assessment shown on their record of achievement. Students can also use the online profile builder on the careers central platform to further explore and reflect on their study options based on the types of achievement or unit standards successfully completed to date. To access this click on the link: Careers Central (scroll down to WHS, log in, click on jobs, click on jobs by pathway)
Other resources to assist you to make decisions and explore career options: