Our Curriculum
Wakatipu High School’s vision is to deliver Aotearoa/New Zealand’s best all-round education and our Ākonga Profile (Graduate Profile) describes our aspirations for each and every student. With values at the core, the Ākonga Profile ensures that every student will develop the essential literacies and competencies that will enable them to be a life-long learner and achieve the best qualification possible, whilst also growing holistically.
Our diverse and progressive curriculum makes excellent use of our local environment and supportive community, and is supported with pedagogy that focuses on student-centred and personalised learning which allows every student to reach for their heights.
We offer a broad range of subjects in the senior and junior school to meet students’ various passions and also cater to the various learning needs of students. We provide Literacy and Numeracy support, ESOL classes for second language learners, Gifted programmes, separate Scholarship support, plus extension and accelerated learning opportunities across all the learning areas.
Our Ako Curriculum complements the range of subjects on offer and ensures every student has the opportunity to develop digital and financial literacy while learning the essential competency of self-management.
The school-wide curriculum has a strong focus on values and all students have the opportunity to develop holistically through extensive outdoor education experiences, a rich and vibrant house competition, and a range of external speakers and assemblies. We also have an amazing number of extra and co-curricular opportunities that are integrated into the school day and week, and we actively encourage and support students to be involved and engaged to support their holistic development and wellbeing.