Accelerated courses

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Acceleration at WHS:

At WHS students who are achieving significantly above their cohort may be able to take an option subject at a higher curriculum level. This is called acceleration. 

For detailed information about the acceleration process please visit the WHS gifted website here.

For the purpose of option selection, students who wish to be considered for acceleration need to select their options as outlined below. To allow the Gifted Coordinator, Mr Logan Rae, to follow up on acceleration requests, please also complete this short form.

How to request an accelerated course during option selection:

Students who wish to study a Course above their grade level need to follow the instructions below.

  1. Search for the Course Option you wish to study using the search bar. 
  2. Click on the Course Option to view it.
  3. Click on the "Request Exemption" button. 

You will be asked to enter notes to request the Exemption.