Wakatipu High School

An overview of our learning areas and the courses that we offer at Wakatipu High School can be accessed via the links below.

Course Option Selection for 2025 through SchoolPoint is currently closed, students please get in touch with your Ako teacher to discuss your choices for 2025. 

Students are encouraged to discuss their Course Options with the following people:

  • Parents/Caregivers
  • Subject Teachers &/or HoLA
  • Kaiārahi &/or Dean 
  • Careers Adviser 
  • Other members of staff eg SLT

In selecting your Course Options and course of study, you need to consider and balance: your interests and passions, your strengths and what you’re good at, your potential future and pathway, and keeping your options open.

Try and ‘begin with the end in mind’ and work backwards, eg if you think you are likely to do a certain Course Option in the senior school then it is a good idea to do more than just the minimum number of Course Options in the junior school. For example, if you are planning on doing Digital Technology in the senior school then you will likely want to choose additional Digital Technology Courses in the junior school.  

Course Selection Process

  1. Review the 2025 Course Option Table to get a sense of the range of options available
  2. Browse by Learning Area for potential pathways and more detail on courses you might like to take
  3. Read through the following sections
    1. Course Selection Information
    2. Curriculum
    3. Timetable and Requirements
    4. Careers Advice and University Entry Requirements
    5. NCEA and Vocational Pathways
    6. Accelerated Courses
  4. Discuss your career and learning paths with staff and parents