Year 09/10 5DRA2 - Creating the Actor

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mrs A. Price.

Main areas of study:

“We know what we are, but not what we may be.”

5DRA2 is the course for students interested in theatre who wish to progress on to NCEA Drama courses. It is focused on developing foundation skills within a fun, exciting environment with other like-minded students. 5DRA2 will also further develop skills gained in the 5DRA1 and 5DRA3 classes. This course will enhance skills in the important areas of stagecraft and drama elements, techniques and conventions. Students will continue to build confidence in performance and increase their knowledge of theatre. Devising script work and movement will be a major focus of this course. 

In this course, you will learn 

  • to collaborate in a group and develop an idea into a final product of work (devising).
  • to develop a sustained, credible role through interpretation and understanding of a text.
  • a critical understanding of how to apply drama techniques when performing a role.
  • an appreciation and literacy of a wide variety of texts from New Zealand and across the world.
  • to develop your confidence through improvisation and other impromptu situations.
  • an understanding of how drama conventions and elements can shape a piece of original work.
  • to increase your empathy for others through your understanding of different characters.
  • gain an understanding of how drama can be used to communicate a social or political message.

This course also incorporates the Ākonga Profile in the following ways:

  • Competencies - creativity curiosity, problem-solving and self-management, are all key element for success in this course.
  • Holistic development - self-awareness, empathy, wellbeing and confidence.

Methods of assessment:

We assess using the four strands that are outlined in the NZ Curriculum; Practical Knowledge, Communicating and Interpreting, Developing Ideas and Understanding in Context. We also incorporate the use of SOLO taxonomy with the Achieved, Merit and Excellence criteria.

This course leads to:

 Level 1 Drama (6DRA) and/or Level 1 Performing Arts Technology (6PAT) in consultation with the HoLA.

Equipment and Stationery

Students are required to wear PE Uniform or leggings to class.