Year 09/10 5DRA3 - Junior Musical Production

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mrs A. Price.

5DRA3 is the vehicle in which the Wakatipu High School Junior Musical takes place. Students are required in this course to audition, rehearse, and perform a live musical for a large public audience. They will be taught by a vocal coach, director and choreographer across the term and take part in a three-show season in the first weeks of Term 4. 

Students will participate in an environment that lives the school values while developing:

  • Performance skills 
  • Singing ability 
  • Dance ability
  • Teamwork skills
  • Ability to accept and build on critical feedback  

This course is designed for students with prior experience in musical theatre, live performance, or dancing. Students should have either completed options in the performing arts as a Year 9 student or have performance experience.


Prior experience in musical theatre, live performance, or dancing is required to take this course. Students who enter will be expected to perform a musical at the conclusion of the semester.
