Year 10 5ASCI1 – Science (compulsory)

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Miss K. Murray.

Available for study in:    Compulsory in Year 10.

Main areas of study:    Biology, Chemistry, Physics and the Nature of Science.

In this course you will learn:

BIOLOGY: Genetics and Evolution - where do we come from? (Approximately 6 weeks)

Students will explore the question “where do we come from?” This will explore the basic building block of life, the cell, and continue on to study the code of life carried on molecules of DNA. Students will study how code is passed on from one generation to the next and how variation between individuals is generated. The mechanisms of evolution and how new species are formed will be explored finishing with a look at our story and how Homo sapiens came to be.

PHYSICS: Forces  (Approximately 6 weeks)

What is a force? What do forces do? Concepts such as , speed, velocity, and acceleration will be explored through investigation and observation. Students will design and carry out investigations to gather evidence that they can use to describe and explain Newton’s Laws as they apply to everyday situations.

CHEMISTRY: Acids and bases (Approximately 6 weeks)

Students will explore the language of chemistry developing on from the work they did in Science 1. Examples include, atomic structure and the periodic table, formation of ions and how they interact to form compounds, writing formulae and equations, and describing chemical reactions. Students will explore how acids and bases are used in everyday life and how they form a big part of our daily lives. Students will learn to apply knowledge of the chemical properties of acids and bases to everyday situations. They will develop their laboratory skills and technical knowledge as they carry out chemical reactions and conduct scientific investigations exploring the chemical properties of a range of acids and base reactions.

The course will be assessed for both knowledge and skill development. The Nature of Science strands of the NZ Curriculum will be the focus of skills assessment in both ‘Investigating in Science’ and ‘Communicating in Science’. Content knowledge will be assessed using a range of tasks including quizzes, tests, project and laboratory work which will contribute to a portfolio of work that they will continue to build on in each Science course. This work will be used and further developed in Year 11 for Level 1 and beyond.

Methods of assessment:  
The course will be assessed for both knowledge and skill development. The Nature of Science strands of the NZ Curriculum will be the focus of skills assessment in both ‘Investigating in Science’ and ‘Communicating in Science’. Content knowledge will be assessed using a range of tasks including quizzes, tests, project and laboratory work which will contribute to a portfolio of work that they will continue to build on in each Science course. This work will be used and further developed in Year 11 for Level 1 and beyond.

This course leads to: 
Continuing Science (5ASCI2) and Level 1 Science courses (6SCE and 6SCS).

Equipment and Stationery

Laptop and a device that is video and camera capable (e.g. smartphone).