Year 09/10 5ART4 – Connections with Spaces

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mrs A. Price.

Main areas of study:

In this unit the focus is on exploring our environment, including indoor and outdoor spaces, both artificial and natural. Students will learn the fundamental skills of drawing and painting landscape and man-made environment that include the use of perspective. Students will then be given the opportunity to develop a specific area of interest where they will create a range of artworks that include the use of drawing, painting and Photoshop where a chosen space has been used as inspiration for subject matter. Spaces may include students’ home environment, local landscape, man-made or natural environment.

In this course you will learn:

  • basic drawing skills of accurate observational drawing which includes correct sizing and scaling, shading and tone, and surface texture detailing.
  • painting skills including colour mixing, tonal application, blending and shading, use of layering to create depth, and application of surface texture and fine detailing.
  • optional extensions – basic Photoshop, design, photography, sculpture and printmaking skills.

This course incorporates the Ākonga Profile in the following ways:

  • Artistic literacy - understanding visual language.
  • Competencies - creativity curiosity, problem solving and self management.
  • Holistic development - self awareness, empathy, wellbeing and confidence.

Methods of assessment:

We assess using the four strands that are outlined in the NZ Curriculum; Practical Knowledge, Communicating and Interpreting, Developing Ideas and Understanding in Context. We also incorporate the use of SOLO taxonomy with the Achieved, Merit and Excellence criteria.

This course leads to:

This course can be taken as a standalone subject or the skills learnt can be pursued further by opting into 5ART1, 5ART2 and 5ART3. All junior visual art courses provide an excellent foundation for success at the senior level. Successful completion of at least one junior visual art courses is required for entry into NCEA Level 1 Visual Art. 


This course can be taken individually or the skills learnt can be pursued further by opting into 5ART1, 5ART2 and 5ART3. All junior visual art courses provide an excellent foundation to gain success in senior visual art courses.