Year 09/10 5DRA1 – Exploring the stage

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mrs A. Price.

Main areas of study:

Students will develop empathy, collaboration and inclusion skills that will translate across the curriculum. They will be involved in improvisation tasks and group exercises which will be both challenging and rewarding. Students will be expected to perform on stage and work with others in the class to ensure the best outcomes. This is the course for all students wanting an exciting and safe environment to learn life skills, confidence and stage craft.

In this course you will learn to:

  • collaborate in a group and develop an ideas.
  • develop a role through interpretation and understanding of a text.
  • develop your confidence through improvisation and other impromptu situations.
  • increase your empathy for others through your understanding of different characters.
  • be a respectful and active audience member.

This course also incorporates the Ākonga Profile in the following ways:

  • Competencies - creativity curiosity, problem-solving and self-management.
  • Holistic development - self-awareness, empathy, wellbeing and confidence.

Methods of assessment:

We assess using the four strands that are outlined in the NZ Curriculum; Practical Knowledge, Communicating and Interpreting, Developing Ideas and Understanding in Context. We also incorporate the use of SOLO taxonomy with the Achieved, Merit and Excellence criteria.

This course leads to:


Equipment and Stationery

Students are required to wear PE Uniform or leggings to class.