Year 10 5AHTK1 – Hard Materials Technology 1
Course Option Description
Head of Learning Area (HOLA): M G. Small.
Available for study in: Year 10. Note: You may only elect to study one semester of HTK, in year 10.
Main areas of study:
Contexts for learning may include (but are not limited to):
- Storage.
- Pewter Casting.
- Birdhouses.
- Lighting.
In this course you will learn: In this course you will also develop skills in:
- Measurement.
- Joinery.
- Basic workshop health and safety.
- Use of various tools and machinery.
- CNC machinery
- Laser cutting
- CAD Programmes.
- Use of various materials.
You will also develop the following aspects of the Ākonga Profile:
- Numeracy.
- Technological Literacy.
- Creativity.
- Critical thinking.
- Self-management.
- Problem solving.
All of the above skills and knowledge will be incorporated into projects that follow the technological design process.
Methods of assessment: All work will be submitted in portfolio form.
This course leads to: Level 1 Hard Materials Technology (6HTK).