Year 09 5NSP - Numeracy Support

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mrs J. Theelen.

Available for study in:    Year 9 and Year 10.

This course is designed to benefit students who require extra support in Mathematics. These students are selected from a triangulation of evidence including standardised tests, assessments and overall teacher judgement. The student and parents/ caregivers are contacted prior to the student being offered this option.

Main areas of study: 
To be numerate is to confidently and effectively use mathematics to meet the everyday demands of life and work. This course is designed to develop students' confidence in being mathematical thinkers, developing logical thinking, and reasoning strategies.  This course incorporates the Akonga Profile in the following ways; explicit teaching and learning around numeracy, financial literacy, development of the competencies of critical thinking, problem solving and self management.  

In this course you will learn: 

This course is aligned with the curriculum covered in mainstream Year 9 and Year 10 mathematics classes which cover the following strands of the Mathematics and Statistics curriculum: Number Knowledge, Algebra, Geometry and Graphing. The main point of difference is that this course has a greater focus on the attainment of basic number knowledge facts, and is delivered at a pace accessible to unconfident mathematicians with gaps in their learning.  The overall aim is that students in this course find success at Level 4 of the mathematics curriculum so they can be confident in joining mainstream mathematics classes in the future.

Topics will include:
Semester One

  • Geometric representations
  • Financial Literacy
  • Algebra I
  • Number patterns, reading and interpreting graphs

Semester Two

  • Proportional thinking
  • Chance and statistical data
  • Algebra II 
  • Measurement

Methods of assessment:  
Students will be assessed via reported skills assessments, along with various checkpoints during the semester.

This course leads to:   
Compulsory Year 10 Mathematics courses (5AMNA), or Year 10 Numeracy Support (5ANSP).  By accelerating students' achievement and confidence in Mathematics it will help them to access, and find success, in higher level mathematics courses throughout their schooling.

Equipment and Stationery

Calculator, ruler and general stationery.