Year 09 5MAT1 – General Mathematics (compulsory)

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mrs J. Theelen.

Available for study in:
Compulsory in Year 9 semester 1

Main areas of study:
This course covers the Number, Algebra, Transformation and Geometry strands  of the Mathematics and Statistics curriculum.

In this course you will learn:

Students will explore Number, Algebra, Transformation and Geometry principles in order to gain understanding of:

  • Financial Literacy
  • Algebra 1
  • Number patterns, reading and interpreting graphs
  • Geometric Representations

This course incorporates the Akonga Profile in the following ways; explicit teaching and learning around numeracy and financial literacies, development of the competencies of critical thinking, problem solving and self management.

Methods of assessment:
Students will be assessed via two reported skills assessments and various checkpoints during the semester

This course leads to:
Compulsory Year 10  Mathematics  courses ( 5MAT1 and 5MAT2). Developing an understanding  of Algebra and Number is essential for numerous careers. Algebra in particular  leads through  the senior school  to the study of Calculus at Level 3 (8MAC) . Calculus is a requirement for careers  such as engineering, aviation, many sciences, architecture and some branches of finance.

Equipment and Stationery

Graphics Calculator and general stationary


Compulsory Year 10 Mathematics courses ( 5AMNA and 5AMSP). Developing an understanding of Algebra and Number is essential for numerous careers. Algebra in particular leads through the senior school to the study of Calculus at Level 3 (8MAC) . Calculus is a requirement for careers such as engineering, aviation, many sciences, architecture and some branches of finance.