Year 09/10 5ART2 – Digital Design with Text

Course Option Description

Head of Learning Area (HOLA): Mrs A. Price.

Main areas of study:

This unit focuses on the use of text and design. Students create a range of artworks that include elements of drawing and painting but use Photoshop as the main focus. Type and text are used as starting points with personally chosen quotes and supporting imagery providing the theme for further development. A range of contemporary designers that combine type with handmade and photographic imagery are used as artist models. This course is computer-based where 80% of the outcomes are digital.

In this course you will learn:

  • the basics of Photoshop and design including layout, visual hierarchy, typography and images. 
  • to experiment with both formal and informal design styles. 
  • how to analyse, read and design artwork. 
  • optional extensions – photography, painting, sculpture and printmaking skills.

This course incorporates the Ākonga Profile in the following ways:

  • Artistic literacy - understanding visual language.
  • Competencies - creativity curiosity, problem solving and self management.
  • Holistic development – self awareness, empathy, wellbeing and confidence.

Methods of assessment:

We assess using the four strands that are outlined in the NZ Curriculum; Practical Knowledge, Communicating and Interpreting, Developing Ideas and Understanding in Context. We also incorporate the use of SOLO taxonomy with the Achieved, Merit and Excellence criteria.

This course leads to:

This course can be taken as a standalone subject or the skills learnt can be pursued further by opting into 5ART1, 5ART3 and 5ART4. All junior visual art courses provide an excellent foundation for success at the senior level. Successful completion of at least one semester of junior visual art is required for entry into Level 1 Visual Art. 


This course can be taken individually or the skills learnt can be pursued further by opting into 5ART1, 5ART3 and 5ART4. All junior visual art courses provide an excellent foundation to gain success in senior visual art courses.