Year 10 5AFTK2 – Food Technology 2
Course Option Description
Head of Learning Area (HOLA): M G. Small.
Available for study in: Year 10. Note: You may either elect to study one semester of FTK, or a full year (i.e. two semesters). If you wish to study only one semester then select 5AFTK1 and you will be allocated to the class best fitting your full year timetable. This may fall in Semester 1 or Semester 2. If you wish to study a full year of FTK, then select both 5AFTK1 and 5AFTK2. In the case of oversubscription, students may only be able to do one semester.
Main areas of study:
Contexts for learning may include (but are not limited to):
- "Food Truck"
- "My Food Bag"
- "Kiwiana Ice-cream"
In this course you will also develop skills in:
- Using knives.
- Mis-en-place.
- Measurement.
- Health and Safety.
- Various cooking techniques.
- Literacy
- Numeracy
You will also develop the following aspects of the Ākonga Profile:
- Numeracy.
- Technological Literacy.
- Creativity.
- Collaboration.
- Self-management.
- Inclusion
All of the above skills and knowledge will be incorporated into projects that follow the technological design process.
Methods of assessment: All work will be submitted in portfolio form.
This course leads to: Level 1 Food Technology (6FTK).
Equipment and Stationery
A container to put food into, writing gear and glue stick in pencil case, 40-page Clearfile, and a 1B8 exercise book.