Year 11 6DVC – Design & Visual Communication (NCEA L1)
Course Option Description
Head of Learning Area (HOLA): M G. Small.
Why this course:
Design & Visual Communication focuses on real life problem solving. It also has a strong emphasis on high quality presentation. This course should appeal to students who are able to create innovative solutions to problems and present them in a visually appealing way. These skills can be transferred to a wide range of future study and career pathways.
Course information:
Design & Visual Communication involves the visual communication of the solutions to design problems through application of the design process. Level 1 concentrates on specific skills required throughout this process. These skills are introduced through a series of short design brief tasks which are then submitted for internal assessment. The external aspect of the course involves presenting a portfolio of evidence across a variety of freehand and instrumental drawing skills. These external standards are carried out throughout the internal projects.
This course leads to: Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (7DVC).
Completion of at least one semester of Junior Design & Visual Communication (Graphics) is recommended but not compulsory.
Equipment and Stationery
Students are required to have their own folder and drawing equipment which should last throughout the student’s school Design & Visual Communication career.
Students will be given a pack with basic equipment.
Assessment Information
This course is assessed using Achievement and/or Unit Standards. Please note exact standards are subject to change and individual assessment programmes may be provided in consultation with student and teacher.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Design and Visual Communication 1.1 - Generate product or spatial design ideas using visual communication techniques in response to design influences
Design and Visual Communication 1.2 - Use representation techniques to visually communicate own product or spatial design outcome
Design and Visual Communication 1.3 - Develop product or spatial design ideas informed by the consideration of people
Design and Visual Communication 1.4 - Use instrumental drawing techniques to communicate own product or spatial design outcome