Year 12 7GEO – Geography (NCEA L2)
Course Option Description
Head of Learning Area (HOLA):
Why this course:
Geography seeks explanations about how the world works and helps us to understand alternative futures. Geographers explore real issues, both globally and locally. Geography helps prepare us with the knowledge, skills and understanding to make sense of the world and to face the challenges that shape our societies.
Geography at this level allows students to develop skills which enable them to:
- Research a local geographic issue
- Explore global patterns and interactions
- Investigate a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue
- Analyse a local issue using geographical information systems
- Understand differences in development
- Connect and build on social, valuing, thinking and practical skills
Course information:
Students will explore:
- Local alpine environments and the problems the face into the future
- Geographic issues which could include pest management, national parks and/or sustainable energy
- Developmental differences between Norway and Burkina Faso
- Geographical skills locally and globally
This course leads to:
Level 3 Geography (8GEO) and/or Level 3 Tourism (8TOU).
Completion of the Level 1 Geography course with a minimum of 10 credits OR entry at the discretion of the HoLA.
Equipment and Stationery
There will be field trips associated with this course. Field trips are focused on primary data collection which is required for internal assessments. The cost associated with these trips will be communicated when they are known.
Assessment Information
This course is assessed using Achievement and/or Unit Standards. Please note exact standards are subject to change and individual assessment programmes may be provided in consultation with student and teacher.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Geography 2.3 - Demonstrate geographic understanding of differences in development
Geography 2.4 - Apply geography concepts and skills to demonstrate understanding of a given environment
Geography 2.5 - Conduct geographic research with guidance
Geography 2.6 - Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue
Geography 2.7 - Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale
Geography 2.8 - Apply spatial analysis, with guidance, to solve a geographic problem